Meet the Cast

Meet the cast of


Adam:  A little man with big frustrations
who just never seems to learn. He has lots 
of opinions; his main problem is learning 
when to keep them to himself.

Eve: Being married to Adam means
you need the patience of a saint, the
thick skin of a rhino and the left hook
of a prizefighter.

Snake: He’s the link between Adam
& Eve, but sometimes he feels more
like the Referee. He’s also the barman
and a pocket philosopher.

Bear: A passive onlooker is not all
that he seems. He can quite often
be an arch manipulator of the simple
of mind, or in other words, Adam.

The Yappy Dog: The bane of Adam’s life
and the love of Eve. Adam cannot see a
reason for a dog that looks like a toilet
brush, but the more he turns away from
it, the more it seems to love him. But it does have
a dark side... a very dark side.

Googol: The font of all knowledge, he's so
bright he even spelled his name right...which
is more than can be said for the other font
of all knowledge

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